DIG Issue 51 - March 2006
Anthony E. Villani jump through a hoop for his Shook dvd bio on the cover. Photo by Rob Dolecki.
First thing: Ruben Alcantara in Australia.
Tight set-up!
Dig this: sponsorship, Nyquist's Unit, BMXactivists, How to take a 'Dig' fisheye photo by Sandy Carson, Body English zine, Liquor bike company, Danny Hickerson, Mongolia, Mark Choquette, Ross Teperek, ...
Flat Earth Society: Hippie/school teacher Dane Beardsley.
Video store: Chad Shackelford and the Shook interactive network. Vult, Standpoint 6, Joe Kid, Emancipate, Fly Uno, The Make.
Tom White interview.
Continental drifters: Bicycle Union, Shitluck, Attila, Carhartt.
Progress report: interviews with Conall Keenan, Peter Adam, Clint Reynolds and Danny Montoya.
Do not bend.
Disposable: Adam Baker's S&M, James Newrick's Standard and Derrick Girard's FBM.
Lost for words.
Low profile: Chris Sharpe, Rian Quinones andRocky Sagarese.
Backchat with Metal Bikes' Sean Burns.