DIG Issue 61 - November 2007
Josh Bedford on the cover. Photo by Sandy Carson.
Staff infection: Brian Tunney.
FIRST THINGS FIRST: Steve Crandall lends some words about the infamous Kelly Baker and a long lost bike... The Yamaha lives again.
BALLBAG: Is this not the AM issue?
DIG THIS: News, Beloe footwear, Interbike, Desktops, Bonedeth, How To Get Sponsored (or not), Research and Destroy, Rebel Jam, Levan Bodyshop.
VIDEOSTORE: Will Stroud on the new Electronical Odyssey video, plus reviews.
AMATEUR HOUR: The difficult task of trying to decipher the differences between ‘pro’ and ‘am.’ What do Ian Morris and John Povah think ?
LOGICAL CONCLUSION: The 4Down/Fit London to Paris Adventure.
STURDY WRISTS: JJ Palmere, Philly area shredder with a huge hop and a headband.
MOVING UNITS: Mutiny get stoked on being pumped in Toronto.
PRODUCTIVITY: Verde, S&M, Federal, Subrosa, Fit, ...
DIGITAL CRUNCH: Reader photos from all over the friggin globe…
LOOSE!: The Carharrt Team Dodges Rain Throughout Europe.
PROGRESS REPORTS: Steve-O. Mike Osso & Chad Moore
UNSOUND: Glen E. Friedman’s latest release, ‘Keep Your Eyes Open.’ Plus, why you should listen to Nomeansno.
BACKCHAT: Two pros from opposite ends of the spectrum; Jared Washington and Kye Forte.