DIG Issue 85 - November/December 2011
ON THE COVER: Chris Janis - Catty Woods, PA. Photo by Rob Dolecki.
014 IN MEMORY: Brian Barnhart pays his respects to PA trail rider, Nick Fetchko.
016 IGNITION: Ruben Alcantara and the true story of the lost bowl.
026 GULLY SPEAK: David Leep breaks down the Gully Factory language barrier.
028 VIDEOSTORE: Dominik Woozy on life at the Carhartt Apartment.
030 REPO 1: Devon Denham heads to the Snakepit with Misled Clothing.
032 REPO 2: Andrew White with weekend tales of Hurricane Irene, BMXFU and a shady interaction in a Long Island Alley.
034 WRECKAGE: “Next thing I really remember is checking my mouth to make sure I still had all my teeth.” - Greg Henry.
038 THE TRAILS MUST GO ON: Rob Dolecki and the full story of the infamous Catty Woods and their battle for survival, along with 14 pages of interviews with locals and regular trail visitors to this PA dirt masterpiece.
054 STURDY WRISTS Interview 1: “I tried to scan my drawings at WalMart but those assholes wouldn’t do them. Imagine that! I’m gonna go to Kinko’s tomorrow.” - Chad Ring.
060 STURDY WRISTS Interview 2: “I love filming but it’ll be nice to talk about something else for a change.” - Christian Rigal.
066 STURDY WRISTS Interview 3: “Before I went to jail, I never took people older than me too seriously… or listen to them like I should have.” - Paul Horan.
074 WAY PAST DEADLINE: Garrett Reynolds tells you ‘almost’ everything you need to know about filming with his crew for another highly anticipated video project…
084 LOW PROFILE: Bama meet DIG, DIG meet Bama… again.
096 PRODUCTIVITY AT INTERBIKE: What you won’t see is that the DIG guys stayed in a room right by the ‘Dog relief area’. Keep it classy Vegas…
100 SURFACE IMPRESSIONS: Ricky Adam jumps in with a seriously heavy etnies crew for hefty a European shop tour.
114 MARKIT FORCES: Dennis Enarson and Christian Rigal head from Salt Lake to Vegas with the newly formed Markit crew and even film an ender on their first trip out…
122 LOST FOR WORDS: No rhyme, no reason - Featuring James Hess, Max Gaertig, Phil Demattia and Andy ‘Floyd’ Erickson.
126 DIGITAL CRUNCH: Send us photos and win shoes from etnies. Easy…
128 BACKCHAT: Ty Morrow isn’t mad…