DIG Issue 89 - July/August 2012
Nathan Williams – Nashville, Tennessee. Photo by Andrew White.
014 BALLBAG: Have you ever seen video director Rich Forne ride a bike? If not, you’re in for a treat.
016 IGNITION: Joe Rich goes deep whilst Tom Dugan gets high.
026 FIRST THINGS FIRST: We all remember the first time. Jim Cielencki talks about his…
028 SCARIFICATION: Catfish just keeps on talking. This time we discover the stories behind a bunch of his tattoos.
030 TRAILBLAZERS: Joey Cobbs discovers the hidden California trail secrets of Nunya.
032 INSIDER – NATHAN WILLIAMS: You know an article is good whenever you’ve filled 14 pages and still can’t decide which shots you can justify leaving out. Nathan fires out banger after banger whilst long term friend Andrew White cooks up some insider information on marriage, memory, motivations and more…
048 TALK IS CHEAP: Rob Dolecki catches up with every rider who has full sections in Cult’s highly anticipated and soon to be released DVD. Featuring words and photos shot over the past two years from Chase Hawk, Sebastian Keep, Trey Jones, Timmy Theus, Bobby Simmons, Russ Barone, Alex Kennedy, Dakota Roche, Chase Dehart and Dave Krone.
062 THE ECLAT GUIDE TO CHINA: “DIG BMX magazine continues its coverage of ‘The Free and Sleazy tour’, brought to you by Eclat bicycle parts, with it’s much anticipated second installment in the three part series.” Or something…
074 WEED WACKERS: In-takes and out-takes shot during filming for the upcoming DUB DVD on the streets of the UK’s north west. Brought to you via the lens of Ricky Adam.
096 KURT RUSSELL – STURDY WRISTS: Kurt Russell really does ride it like it’s Stolen. (See what we did there?)
102 GARRET HOOGERHYDE INTERVIEW: Ever wanted to read an interview with someone who collects flashlights and definitely doesn’t want to be interviewed? Well, today’s your lucky day.
108 CONNOR LODES – CLOCKED IN: It turns out working 9 to 5 actually is a way to make a living… even when you are a ‘Pro’ rider. Joey Cobbs finds out why Connor Lodes isn’t quitting his day job.
114 NINA BUITRAGO INTERVIEW: “I’m really good at tuning out the gender issue.”
084 LOW PROFILE: Chocolate and pegs? Sam Jones is (yet another) one to watch…
126 DIGITAL CRUNCH: Send us photos and win shoes from etnies. Easy…
128 BACKCHAT: High quality wise-ass chit-chat from Mr Tony Hamlin.