DIG Issue 97 - November/December 2013 "THE DIG 25"
Our Riders of the year 2013
Dennis Enarson / New Mexico. There’s probably only one guy out there who knows what it must feel like to launch over a fence, catch a 180 whip at eight feet, and land flat. Dennis Enarson does the unthinkable and even keeps it smooth in the process. Check his interview on page 22. Photo by Connor Lodes.
When asked if he actually possesses even an ounce of fear, Dennis Enarson will tell you that it’s not so much a lack of fear, but more so an ability to subdue his concerns and convince himself that something isn’t as scary as he first thought. Admittedly this approach has led to some difficulties for him, not least a two year onslaught of serious injuries. But that capability to ride at such a high level of burliness, combined with the ability to bounce back from even a broken femur solidifies exactly why we are such big fans of this guy. I mean, just look at our cover this issue – it’s not often you see anyone do a 180 whip gap, let alone at that height. His interview this issue will provide you with even more insanity that will already be apparent to the lucky few who have already seen the Markit DVD. His endless motivation and positive attitude clearly shine through via his riding style and his personality; which can both best be described as ‘wide open’.
This issue is all about twenty five guys that we’re most stoked on in BMX today (yep, that’s the criteria and worth keeping in mind). Here at DIG it’s always been about more than just the riding and as far as we’re concerned Dennis Enarson is currently winning BMX on all fronts.
Aside from a full length interview with Dennis you’ll find extended features on several other on our DIG 25 list including Rich Forne, Ben Lewis, Geoff Slattery, and Garrett Reeves. You’ll also find exclusive coverage of the awesome Cinema X Monster DOWN THE MIDDLE trip with Dan Lacey, Nathan Williams and Dakota Roche. And.. there’s more exclusive DIG content with behind the scenes photos from Kriss Kyle’s new Riding Shotgun video project with Drew Bezanson, Simone Barraco, Chase Hawk and yep, that guy again, Dennis Enarson.
As an extra bonus if you are already a subscriber or pickup the magazine in Europe you’ll get a free 32 page DIG exclusive photo-zine from the awesome 2013 DUB / Monster Energy Street Series.
*zines sold out - sorry