DIG Issue 98 - January/February 2013 "BLOOD, SWEAT & TRAILS"
Clint Reynolds / Austin TX. You Only Live Once? Clint Reynolds, making the most out of the YOLO hip, and making this Clint’s second DIG cover (#82), the 69th magazine cover shot at East Side and the 143rd DIG cover shot in Austin. Photo by Rob Dolecki.
022 – 024 DIG THIS!: Hucker, Casselberry and maybe even some trail world problems.
026 – 049 Clint, Matty & Nutter: Matty Aquizap and James P. Nutter jump onboard for what was originally a Clint Reynolds interview. This is maybe as legit as it gets
050 – 059 Mike Saavedra – Blue Bench: DIG’s Andrew White heads out to sample the most exotic trails in Southern California.
060 – 069 Memories on the Island: Superfly, Keith Terra, Nuno Olivera and Darryl Nau reminisce about the history of the Long Island trail scene.
070 – 077 Eric Hennessey – The endless trail season: Chess, orstrich racing and g-strings. You’ve been warned.
078 – 083 Robbo – Anatomy of a Trail Rider: “I’m down here stacking dirt while someone’s out learning their new next best trick.”
084 – 101 Brian Yeagle’s Soil Republic: Ever fancied a ride through the trails with Yeagle? Well now’s your chance. Hold tight!
102-103 Over 30 and in the Woods: A bunch of dedicated old (to you) dudes talk dirt, bikes and balance. Read and learn…