DIG Issue 71 - July 2009
On the Cover: Mickey Marshall by Sandy Carson
016 IGNITION: Dinosaur Jr BMX-alikes and Nike 6.0 flying under the online radar in London.
026 DIG THIS: A homage to ‘the best street hip ever’, 10 things you didn’t know about Fly Bikes, & Australian multi-tasker Cooper Brownlee.
032 VIDEOSTORE: Deadline do Atlanta and Joe Stakun talks about the FBM documentary…
038 THE TONY CARDONA INTERVIEW: A wide awake coffee nightmare with pull quotes aplenty. Definitely one of the best interviews that we’ve ran in a while.
054 NEW DAY RISING: Gav Shortall, Lee Dennis, Jeff Klugiewicz, Aaron Smith & Phil De Matia: Five guys on the brink of having even more fun with bike riding than they’ve had already…
084 PRODUCTIVITY: New goods from Fly, Federal, Mankind, Profile, Sunday, BSD and Kink.
094 LOW PROFILE: Ian Brook, Ryan Herbach & more…
036 THE CONVOLUTED TALES OF LELAND THURMAN: Why can’t all roadtrip stories be like this?
130 LOST FOR WORDS: Photos that are still too good for the internet…
138 DIGITAL CRUNCH: The real BMX world in full effect.
140 SENT ITEMS: Vic Murphy leaves it late…
142 UNSOUND: Liverpool’s Nowhere Fast. The kids WILL have their say…
144 BACKCHAT: Seth Kimbrough’s weird life.